Feb 1, 2011

aini nak lupe an sume.. yes.. everything that make me hurts.

today kak ain hurts me by saying so many hurtful things. i know she only joking around.. but.. somehow.. its touch my feelings. i cried wen she said me look the same wif my manager wife. which look so "selekeh" even she is a manager at CIMB bank. -___-. i dun like people tries to compare me to the others ! cuz I am me & u are You ! everyone is unique by herself/himself ! den.. I was like.. "jealous" cuz she treats Yus so well  ! Yus kinda a girl who look nice but.. but.... wrong wrong.. I dun wanna judge the book by its cover but.. the more I get to know who the real Yus, the more my brain asked me to STAY AWAY from her.. >w<  There is something "fishy" bout her. and I dun know WHAT !


Da brape kali aini ajar camne nak ON kan hanset besar tuh. still nak tanye ag? huhu,, bile aini ajar.. bukan nak tngok3 carefully.. juz said.." Oh. camtuh ker".. dlm otak aini.. "MEMANG la camtu ngok ! susah ker! ".. pastu.. CALL CLIENT .. told her THOUSAND of times. b4 ask client to make payment MUST introduce yourself! ni tak.. ckp.." helo. ni Nilai Harta Consultant, bile akak/cik (for male) nak buat bayaran huh?" system dlm brain.. " camtu ko sowh org byr?? sampai mati pon dieorg tak an bayar! ".. Kne laaa introduce and tok ape fees tuh.. ckp slowly laaa.. ni tak.. kalo kak linda bagi 10 files.. dpt call 2 or 3 jer.. yg lain.. mesty engaged la.. tak pick up laaa.. bile aini or kak linda nak ajar.. mule tunjuk pandai.. *sigh* lantak ko laaa Yus ooit.. life ko.. ko lulus or tak.. its all up to ya.. da penat da nak tlg org cam ko.. BERLAGAK BAGUS + PANDAI.. = BODOH sombong ! da la ary tuh sume org kne marah cuz ko tak pt nak call client ngok ngek tuh... siap nak kne penalty ag tuh.. ko wat bodo ko jer an.. huhu.. *pe laa nasib badan*.. pastu tadi.. supposedly ko bagi aini copy nak kne courier jer.. but ngan files2 tuh sekali ko bagi.. an aini da ckp.. "Bagi aini yg copy jer.. files tuh ltak kat tempat abg madi".. tak an benda tuh ko tak leh nak ingat.. pe gne ko dtg "pratical" nih???! satu keje pon ko taknak amik port? sowh ko baik2 ngan Kak linda pon taknak.. um.. Kak linda tuh senang jer... Ko mintak jer keje kat die.. tak pon.. mintak la die ajar care nak wat Invoice.. so bile kak linda cuti ker.. EL ker.. MC kerr.. ko la wat Invoice.. ni tak.. dok jer kat tmpt ko tuh wat perrrr??! bodo?! aini da layan ko seBAIK yg aini bleh.. ternyata KO NIH memang PEMALAS ~ tadi mase aini kluar mkn ngan kak ain.. ko tak tgur an aini.. wat bodo ko jerrr.. aini tanye.. kak ain yg jwb bagi pihak ko... an an?? pastu masuk ofis.. wat wat baik plak??! "dayah.. nak pinjam stapler".. "dayah, ubat stapler da abes laa..".. "dayah.. yus tu yus nih".. well... ! seyesly aini ngah BENGANG giler ngan KO time tuh! pastu bile aini da naik marah.. tau plak g toilet nanges.. konon aini marah sgt3 kat ko.. blah la weh ! pastu kak ain post benda camtuh.. ag laaa aini marah ngan ko! pasal ko! sume pasal ko! 


wen i read her status. in 1 SEC . i know its for ME . sadly. I cant control my tears. ran to the bathroom and cry there. den. trying to be cool.. but wen i saw u and her.. my tears juz flow.. like rain.. Kak linda ask me to juz go home and rest. i took her advice and headed home. along the way. i kept crying. people look at me like a girl who lost her kitten. i cant hold it back. seriously I cant. den. Kak linda asked me to say sorry.. if not. she will resign. I was like.. "NO! okay okay. I will say sorry to them. but only U told me too".. part "Only U told me too" i oni said to myself. Kak Linda understand how i feels... I'm not saying Kak Ain didn't but.. if Kak AiN happy with Yus. den. she may go . I will let her go. for my sake. Bcuz she already make me cry for her TWICE. but I only be nice to them. only cuz Kak Linda told me too..

p/s: sorry cuz keep posting bout that bitch.. sorry cuz i'm not trying to be happy..
 cuz I really cant.. right now.. 
I feel like wanna dance to "SHAKE IT UP".. and forget all these SHIT.. 

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